Your grief mindset is a vital aspect on your grief journey. Here at Mindset Vitality, we look at fostering positive relationships and nurturing ourselves and others. All good if you feel OK but what if you don’t feel like doing this?
Control, Alt, Delete
This is a keyboard shortcut that is used in Microsoft Windows. It is also a way of thinking about changing a negative mindset.

You might tell yourself there is no point in attending one of our Bereavement Friendship Groups as nothing will take your pain away. You might tell yourself you don’t deserve to feel better because you are harbouring guilt around grief, or you have a lifelong habit of negative self-talk. It may be that you feel depressive symptoms coming on as Winter’s dark and chilly grip starts to take hold. If this is the case, there are things you can do to change your mindset.
Control your thinking
If you find yourself ruminating and regretting, tell yourself you are in control. A thought is just that, it passes. You can replace a sad thought with a happier one. You can tell yourself you are going to be kind to yourself today. There has been research done by Tel Aviv University where it was shown that self care (eg getting a manicure) can result in the recipient being kinder to others after the treatment.
This is about altering your thinking. We can become so used to negative self talk that we forget we’re doing it. Some people practise gratitude journalling. This can be noting 3 things at the end of every day that you are grateful for. This simple habit can plant a seed whereby you realise that good things have happened for you that day.
This is for deleting negativity. It is not possible to eliminate it but we can stop it from taking over our lives and ruining any happiness there might be out there for us.
Try this habit for a week – Control, Alt, Delete. If you find it helpful, please get back in touch with us to let us know how it helped you.