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Journaling therapy through Grief


Updated: Jul 24, 2023

Grief is a deeply personal experience and when we lose someone or face a devastating loss, the emotions can be intense and challenging. Sometimes they can feel overwhelming. During such times, finding healthy therapeutic coping mechanisms is crucial. Journaling can be a powerful therapy through grief by providing an outlet for emotions. It is also something that you can do at any place and anytime. All you need is paper and a pen. This blog gives you some practical tips to explore the therapeutic potential of journaling.

Talking to others is recommended as a way to manage grief. However, it’s not always possible to have someone to talk to, for example in the middle of the night. Journaling is always there as a practice. It can help you to create a safe space to release emotions. Journal writing also helps you observe your inner thoughts and feelings in more detail. It is always available for you to pour your emotions into and can become a reflective practice that enables you to process your feelings and thoughts.

Reasons to Journal

Journaling can help you to embrace all your emotions. These can range from sadness, confusion, anger and guilt. When you journal, it allows you to express and explore these feelings without any judgements or restraints. You are writing for yourself, no-one else. By putting your pen to paper, you are able to create a safe space to release your emotions and by so doing you will find comfort and healing. The actual act of writing can be a comfort in a time of chaos.


Journaling helps you to keep memories alive. When we lose someone, we can worry we will forget things about them. You can write these down in your journal. Write about cherished moments, anecdotes and regrets if you have them. By reflecting on your memories, you can honour your loved one’s memory and also find meaning and acceptance in your grief journey.


Journaling can help you to think things through. In grief, we can ruminate and go over and over the same things, such as ‘what if?’ and ‘if only’. When you journal, you can write down your own thoughts, doubts and unanswered questions. The actual act of writing things down is a process that helps unravel complex thoughts. This can lead to self-discovery and greater clarity as you navigate your grieving journey.


Journaling can help create a safe space. When you first journal it might seem a little strange to be writing things down as if it was a diary entry. However, a journal is much more than a diary. It is your own personal space for your thoughts and feelings. It is not there for anyone else to look at or judge. So, you can be completely honest with yourself. The act of recording your pain can become a ritual that allows you to reflect on how you are doing. Use your journal to record your pains, struggle and moments of resilience. You can note acts of kindness from others and draw strength by having your journal alongside you as a faithful companion on your grief journey. Some people might record things occasionally, others want to use it every day. Just do what is best for you.


Journaling helps you keep track of patterns and progress. Grief is not a linear process and we can be thrown by emotions that overwhelm us, for example when a memory is triggered. By journaling regularly, you can keep track of your progress, notice patterns and identify triggers or moments of growth. When you look back at earlier entries, you can see how far you’ve come and remind yourself of the strength and resilience you possess.

Meaning and Purpose

Journaling can help you find meaning and purpose. As you reflect on how the death of a loved one has affected you, you can see how this event has shaped your perspective and priorities. When you journal, you can discover a newfound purpose and be guided towards a future that aligns with your core values.


Journaling can be a way into seeking support. While journaling can be a solitary practice, it can serve as a bridge to seek support from others. You might choose to share selected entries with friends, families, or trusted support groups. By opening up, you invite compassion and connection. Your journaling journey can become a catalyst for deep conversation and further healing.

In Conclusion

Grief is a transformative experience that requires intentional and compassionate self-care. Journaling can provide a powerful tool to navigate the complex emotions and thoughts that arise during the grieving process. By embracing journaling, you can reflect and find solace and comfort from the power of your own words. There is no right or wrong way to journal. It is your own unique sanctuary, writing to embrace your pain, growth and healing as you navigate your journey of healing and transformation.

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