
We may edit or remove posts, or warn or ban users (temporarily or permanently) from the Community if they breach our Online Community Terms & Conditions.
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You must be 18 and over to use the Community.
Be kind and respect all members. Many people on our groups will be experiencing very difficult times and kindness and respect is mandatory.
Respect each other. Please don't post anything that could be considered offensive, abusive, hate speech, defamatory or otherwise objectionable.
Be careful about what you share online in regards to identifiable personal information. Please don't post your full real name and using an alternative name for the purposes of the community is advised, do not post address, telephone number or email address in public on the Community.
Please respect the privacy of others within our community and do not share or repost any private conversations you have with anyone.
Please don't use the community for marketing, this includes: offers to sell, advertise or promote anything on the Forum. We'll remove any posts of this nature.
Please don't spam the Community – this means posting the same message multiple times.
Please don’t post anything or encourage anything that could be illegal; this includes posting anything or doing anything that breaches the legal rights of others (such as copyright and/or intellectual property rights).
We reserve the right to remove any post or thread if we believe they are unsuitable for the Community or factually incorrect, or for any other reason if we feel it necessary.
If any users spot a post that may go against our guidelines that has yet to be aprehended by our moderators you can email us to inform us at: